Entertainment / Eleonora Micali: the Fantasy of a Woman in New York


And with fantasy Sicily came onto the scene as a protagonist. From the beautiful text of Stefano Maria Palmitessa, who also supervises the show, the monologue: "A Fantasiusa Donna - A Nonologo" was presented on November 6, with great success in the Auditorium of Casa Italiana Zerilli, doubling the statement obtained this summer at the Matera Festival: "Malta meets Matera - Matera meets Malta". Eleonora Micali (in the photo on the right during her performance), the only performer of the show that comes from her idea, punctuates with ruthless lucidity, skill, beautiful flexibility and a vein of self-mockery, in front of the large audience, the story of her family of origin, of his beloved grandmother. Focusing on the years of growth before arriving at the image that is imposing her as an actress on stages across half the world.


Eleonora, as she told in the interesting interview she gave when she was my guest at Radio WRHU during the program "Sabato Italiano", boasts, despite her age, already multiple cinematographic participations also studded with incursions into the theater that she loves immensely. A multifaceted personality, with a surprising knowledge of many dialects, which we have already been able to appreciate. A passionate presence, able to follow the different plans imposed by the original script until the unexpected final landing.


Fascinating, worldly - we remember her playful participation in the recent Columbus Day - unprejudiced, lover of her art, we are waiting for her with her "A Fantasiusa Donna - A Manhattologo" as soon as possible here in New York after the beautiful reception that the work has had in September at the Festival, at the Teatro Keiros in Rome "Il Teatro che non c'", a review of experimental works, directed by the same Palmitessa who is also the author. Ad Maiora!


"Josephine Maietta is a professor at AIAE

and knight of the Italian Republic